Our intentions are, nevertheless, crystal clear: to preserve exchange rate stability implied by the linked exchange rate system and to promote smooth interest rate adjustments implied by that system. 总而言之,我们的目的非常清晰,就是在联系汇率制度下维持汇率稳定,并促进该制度下的利率调节机制畅顺运作。
At the same time, fundamental structural change must accompany the exchange rate adjustments. 与此同时,汇率调整必须辅之以根本的结构变革。
The global external imbalance is unlikely to be resolved by exchange rate adjustments. 调整汇率未必能解决国际贸易不平衡的问题。
He called for a grand bargain in the Group of 20 leading economies in which the surplus countries boosted domestic demand, together with exchange rate adjustments and, surprisingly, rules of the game to control capital inflows. 他呼吁20国集团(G20)进行全盘交易(grandbargain),其中盈余国家促进国内需求,辅之以汇率调整和游戏规则(这一条出人意料),以控制资本流入。
RMB Exchange Rate and Social Welfare Effects of Tariff Adjustments: Based on the New Open Economy Macroeconomics Research 关税调整的人民币汇率及社会福利效应:基于新开放经济宏观经济学的研究
Regarding competitiveness, in the absence of exchange rate adjustments, intra-union transfers should aim to reduce production costs. 就竞争力而言,在不能进行汇率调整的情况下,联盟内部财政转移的目标应该是降低生产成本。
At most, therefore, an adjustment in the nominal exchange rate is a facilitator of a wider set of desired adjustments. 所以,调整名义汇率充其量只是一套更广泛必要调整的助推因素之一。
After the reform of the exchange rate system, necessary adjustments in other relevant systems should also be made. 汇率制度改革后,其他相关制度也应进行必要调整。
After China's accession to the WTO, policy measures such as the declining of tariff will have some influences on China's real equilibrium exchange rate; meanwhile, Monetary and fiscal Policy adjustments in an open economy can also change the equilibrium exchange rate. 加入WTO后,降低进口品关税等措施将影响人民币均衡汇率水平,同时开放经济下国内货币政策、财政政策等宏观经济政策调整也会改变均衡汇率水平。